Date Posted:01/20/2012 5:12 PMCopy HTML
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| Everything was set. The flyers were spread around the university,The Kegs were on ice, the munchies set up, the live ba nd hired,the liquor was ready to go and the mixes set up. Now all that was left was waiting for the guests to arrive.Noah was checking all the last minute details going over the list when the first guests arrived. The front door was open and the night was warm Jesse and the Rippers were warmingup . Noah looked up at the front door and smiled , walking over to greet the guests.
Noah Greetings, greetings! Welcome! welcome! Come on in and help yourself its going to be a super blast! Im Noah, one of your hosts!
He said as he gave them a friendly smile!
tbc by ???? | +.Blackroses.+ |
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